Hi Renuka
I suspect that you are misassigning the CO and N dimensions of the HNCO. Try the opposite mapping for Y and Z dimensions.
Some background:
CARA tries to guess the correct mapping of input spectrum dimension to SpectrumType based on chemical shift ranges in ppm:
< 10 ppm = 1H
10-100 ppm = 13C
> 100 ppm = 15N
This is why it identifies both the Y and Z dimension of the loaded HNCO to be 15N dimensions (CO shifts are all > 100 ppm). In this situation you need to use your knowledge of the identity of the dimensions of the experiment being loaded to manually set the correct mapping.
After loading the spectrum:
- go the SpectraExplorer, and expand the node of the newly loaded spectrum, check the shift ranges versus the nucleus type of the SpectrumType dimension (the nucleus type that is NOT in parentheses)
- if this is not correct you will need to fix the Map to Type either by right-clicking on the spectrum listed in the SpectraExplorer and selecting Map To Type, or by reloading the spectrum into the project and changing the mapping to reflect correctly the relation between input dimensions nuclei and the SpectrumType nuclei.
I am including some screenshots demonstrating the effects of the different mappings on the HNCO appearance in SynchroScope.
Finally, I suggest you use PolyScope instead of SynchroScope. It is more advanced than SynchroScope and can do all the things SynchroScope does. Just follow the instructions for SynchroScope replacing it with PolyScope.
 Map to Type of HNCO with no change
|  Mapt to Type of HNCO with Y and Z dim swapped
|  |  |