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Editor: damberger
Time: 2007/01/22 13:45:43 GMT+0 |
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changed: - The Global Cursor Sync to Global Cursor is available in all scopes. When global cursor is active in a scope, the plane-view cursor position is synchronized along X and Y with the plane-view cursor of all other scopes with *synch to global cursor* active. Depth is not considered. E.g. Trying to find a new backbone N chemical shift from HN shift: - Suppose you observe an NOE in a 3D 13Cali NOESY strip to an HN. You want to find the attached N. - Turn on *Sync to Global Cursor* in StripScope (this synchronizes the Y position of the cursor with other synchronized scopes plane-view cursors) - Open the 15N-HSQC using PolyScope(rotated) and switch axes: H is along Y, N is along X axis. - Turn on *Sync to Global Cursor* in PolyScope(rotated) - Now click on the HN shift in StripScope. The vertical position of the plane-view cursor in the PolyScope(rotated) will be adjusted to the same ppm position. - In PolyScope(rotated) observe all peaks which align with the horizontal cursor. These are your potential attached N shifts. - Place the vertical cursor on one of the crosspeaks aligning with the vertical axis - Now you can create a new System "Pick System" (assuming it is not picked). The Global Zoom *Synch to Global Zoom* is also available in all Scopes with plane-views When global zoom is active, the zoomed region (expanded region) is synchronized for all Scopes where the global zoom is active. BACK: FoldingAndAliasing NEXT: CreateSpectrumType "Tutorials index":Tutorials
Sync to Global Cursor is available in all scopes.
When global cursor is active in a scope, the plane-view cursor position is synchronized along X and Y with the plane-view cursor of all other scopes with synch to global cursor active. Depth is not considered.
Synch to Global Zoom is also available in all Scopes with plane-views
When global zoom is active, the zoomed region (expanded region) is synchronized for all Scopes where the global zoom is active.
BACK: FoldingAndAliasing
NEXT: CreateSpectrumType