Edit detail for PeakTolerance revision 1 of 1

Editor: damberger
Time: 2008/05/02 16:40:48 GMT+0

Return to PeakModel

The height of the peak model is taken from the intensity of the spectrum at the position of the peak. Sometimes peaks show a splitting due to scalar couplings. In this case the maximum is not at the center of the peak. It is possible to search for a maximum intensity within a specified range of the peak position and use this for the !PeakModel. This is done by adjusting "Tolerance" which is given in percentage of the the !PeakModels Width.

<img src="SetPeakTol.png"/>

Return to PeakModel

The height of the peak model is taken from the intensity of the spectrum at the position of the peak. Sometimes peaks show a splitting due to scalar couplings. In this case the maximum is not at the center of the peak. It is possible to search for a maximum intensity within a specified range of the peak position and use this for the PeakModel. This is done by adjusting "Tolerance" which is given in percentage of the the PeakModels Width.