Edit detail for Release_1.1.4 revision 1 of 1

Editor: damberger
Time: 2004/12/13 11:16:22 GMT+0

Release 1.1.4

 This release mainly introduces a new overlay feature which is so far implemented only in PolyScope (the other scopes to come). Some planned overlay features have also been postponed (I had to refactor many things behind the scenes to realize overlays which took some time).

 - PolyScope: new commands and menus (Plane/Overlay)

   - New function *Set Overlay Count* (OC) to set the number of layers available to overlay spectra. Between 1 and infinite.

   - New function *Set Active Overlay Layer* (AY): there is always exactly one layer active (default layer 0). The active layer is indicated with a number in the upper left corner of the plane. Only the spectrum in the active layer is affected by changes to contour parameters E.g. To set the auto gain for layer 1 (provided it was created by OC), input AY 1 and then AG.

   - New function *Set Overlay Spectrum* (YS) to set the spectrum displayed in the active layer.

   - New function *Set Positive Color* (PC) to set the color of the positive contours in the active layer.

   - New function *Set Negative Color* (NC) to set the color of the negative contours in the active layer.

   - New function *Save to Repository* to save the color of all layers to the repository. The next time you start PolyScope, the layers already have the colors from the previous session. You still need to select the spectra from the previous session however. You can also select a different set of spectra.

 - Repository: new cara file version 31. It contains the new ![ovclr pos='#rrggbb' neg='#rrggbb'/] element to store the overlay colors (written in order of layers, 0..n).

 - PrintPreview: planes with overlayed spectra can also be printed. Positive and negative contour colors can be adjusted for each layer (maximum of 10 layers). All other countour parameters affect all layers in common. As usual all settings can be saved to or loaded from a configuration file (backward compatible).

 - Some other issues resolved or evaluated.


  - Changes to Setting Contour parameters for layers:

   - New commands:

    * CF..*Contour Factor* (float, ![layer | "*"] )

    * CT..*Contour Threshold* (float, ![layer | "*"] )

    * CO..*Contour Option* ( "+" | "-" | "*", ![layer | "*"] )

      The "*" means "all layers". If you leave out the second parameter, a dialog box opens where you can select the layer.

   - Additional details:

    * AG..Auto Gain was changed to accept an optional second parameter (as above).

    * CT switches Auto Contour off, AG switches it on, the other commands have no influence.

  - Defining Spectra in the layers:

   - New Commands:

    * CL..*Compose Layers* Shows the same dialog you use to setup batch lists. Select the Spectra you want to display in the layers.

    * AL..*Add Layer* to select another spectrum to put at the top of the list

  - !PrintPreview

   - New behaviour: PrintPreview takes the colors for layers from PolyScope where it was started from.

     (you may have to first write your color scheme to the repository and/or close/reopen the preview window)

Release 1.1.4

This release mainly introduces a new overlay feature which is so far implemented only in PolyScope (the other scopes to come). Some planned overlay features have also been postponed (I had to refactor many things behind the scenes to realize overlays which took some time).

  • PolyScope: new commands and menus (Plane/Overlay)
    • New function Set Overlay Count (OC) to set the number of layers available to overlay spectra. Between 1 and infinite.
    • New function Set Active Overlay Layer (AY): there is always exactly one layer active (default layer 0). The active layer is indicated with a number in the upper left corner of the plane. Only the spectrum in the active layer is affected by changes to contour parameters E.g. To set the auto gain for layer 1 (provided it was created by OC), input AY 1 and then AG.
    • New function Set Overlay Spectrum (YS) to set the spectrum displayed in the active layer.
    • New function Set Positive Color (PC) to set the color of the positive contours in the active layer.
    • New function Set Negative Color (NC) to set the color of the negative contours in the active layer.
    • New function Save to Repository to save the color of all layers to the repository. The next time you start PolyScope, the layers already have the colors from the previous session. You still need to select the spectra from the previous session however. You can also select a different set of spectra.
  • Repository: new cara file version 31. It contains the new [ovclr pos=#rrggbb neg=#rrggbb/] element to store the overlay colors (written in order of layers, 0..n).
  • PrintPreview?: planes with overlayed spectra can also be printed. Positive and negative contour colors can be adjusted for each layer (maximum of 10 layers). All other countour parameters affect all layers in common. As usual all settings can be saved to or loaded from a configuration file (backward compatible).
  • Some other issues resolved or evaluated.


  • Changes to Setting Contour parameters for layers:
    • New commands:
      • CF..Contour Factor (float, [layer | "*"] )
      • CT..Contour Threshold (float, [layer | "*"] )
      • CO..Contour Option ( "+" | "-" | "*", [layer | "*"] )

        The "*" means "all layers". If you leave out the second parameter, a dialog box opens where you can select the layer.

    • Additional details:
      • AG..Auto Gain was changed to accept an optional second parameter (as above).
      • CT switches Auto Contour off, AG switches it on, the other commands have no influence.
  • Defining Spectra in the layers:
    • New Commands:
      • CL..Compose Layers Shows the same dialog you use to setup batch lists. Select the Spectra you want to display in the layers.
      • AL..Add Layer to select another spectrum to put at the top of the list
  • PrintPreview
    • New behaviour: PrintPreview? takes the colors for layers from PolyScope where it was started from.

      (you may have to first write your color scheme to the repository and/or close/reopen the preview window)