Edit detail for XeasySpectraProblems revision 1 of 1

Editor: damberger
Time: 2007/01/22 13:07:43 GMT+0
Note: links updated after rename

 - Crashes may occur when reading in a new XEASY spectrum. 

    1. Try to open the spectrum via *Tools->Open Spectrum*. This will open a MonoScope window with your spectrum. If you can work normally in this window, the error resides in the Spectrum Type definition. Either you chose a definition not suited to your spectrum or your definitions are faulty.

    2. If normal work is not possible via *Tools->Open Spectrum*, have a look at the .param file of the spectrum, especially if it was produced via *uxnmr2xeasy*. An actual example produced by uxnmr2xeasy is shown below. The example will crash immediately, and even if the first mistake is fixed, *Show folded* will not work, since CARA needs to know the folding type which is not correctly defined in the example.
<pre>                    Spectrometer frequency in w3 .. 750.130005
                    Spectral sweep width in w1 .... 39.626991
                    Spectral sweep width in w2 .... 31.557470
                    Spectral sweep width in w3 .... 8.416050
                    Maximum chemical shift in w1 .. 199713.796875 <-- Should be around 12 ppm !!!
                    Maximum chemical shift in w2 .. 199630.796875
                    Maximum chemical shift in w3 .. 199566.093750
                    Size of spectrum in w1 ........ 128
                    Size of spectrum in w2 ........ 128
                    Size of spectrum in w3 ........ 1024
                    Submatrix size in w1 .......... 16
                    Submatrix size in w2 .......... 16
                    Submatrix size in w3 .......... 128
                    Permutation for w1 ............ 3
                    Permutation for w2 ............ 2
                    Permutation for w3 ............ 1
                    Folding in w1 ................. NO <------------- Should be RSH, ... !!!
                    Folding in w2 ................. NO
                    Folding in w3 ................. NO
                    Type of spectrum .............. ?
                    Identifier for dimension w1 ... N
                    Identifier for dimension w2 ... C
                    Identifier for dimension w3 ... H</pre>
    3. Trouble-shooting: Try to open another spectrum of the same type. If it also fails, this indicates problems with "SpectrumType":CreateSpectrumType definition. Try to open the same spectrum after loading the most recent Cara template from the TemplatesPage. Try it on another computer or even another operating system. 

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  • Crashes may occur when reading in a new XEASY spectrum.
    1. Try to open the spectrum via Tools->Open Spectrum. This will open a MonoScope window with your spectrum. If you can work normally in this window, the error resides in the Spectrum Type definition. Either you chose a definition not suited to your spectrum or your definitions are faulty.
    2. If normal work is not possible via Tools->Open Spectrum, have a look at the .param file of the spectrum, especially if it was produced via uxnmr2xeasy. An actual example produced by uxnmr2xeasy is shown below. The example will crash immediately, and even if the first mistake is fixed, Show folded will not work, since CARA needs to know the folding type which is not correctly defined in the example.
                          Spectrometer frequency in w3 .. 750.130005
                          Spectral sweep width in w1 .... 39.626991
                          Spectral sweep width in w2 .... 31.557470
                          Spectral sweep width in w3 .... 8.416050
                          Maximum chemical shift in w1 .. 199713.796875 <-- Should be around 12 ppm !!!
                          Maximum chemical shift in w2 .. 199630.796875
                          Maximum chemical shift in w3 .. 199566.093750
                          Size of spectrum in w1 ........ 128
                          Size of spectrum in w2 ........ 128
                          Size of spectrum in w3 ........ 1024
                          Submatrix size in w1 .......... 16
                          Submatrix size in w2 .......... 16
                          Submatrix size in w3 .......... 128
                          Permutation for w1 ............ 3
                          Permutation for w2 ............ 2
                          Permutation for w3 ............ 1
                          Folding in w1 ................. NO <------------- Should be RSH, ... !!!
                          Folding in w2 ................. NO
                          Folding in w3 ................. NO
                          Type of spectrum .............. ?
                          Identifier for dimension w1 ... N
                          Identifier for dimension w2 ... C
                          Identifier for dimension w3 ... H
    3. Trouble-shooting: Try to open another spectrum of the same type. If it also fails, this indicates problems with SpectrumType definition. Try to open the same spectrum after loading the most recent Cara template from the TemplatesPage. Try it on another computer or even another operating system.

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