Shortcuts are two letter commands which can be entered on the CommandLine? of any open CARA scope in order to execute a menu command efficiently. Not all commands are available in all scopes. You can determine the set of available commands for a given scope by typing "?" and hitting return on the Scopes command line. The list appears in the MessageLog? of CARA. You can get more detailed information for a given command by typing "?" followed by the Shortcut. Here is a summary of the available commands.
FrontPage of CARA wiki.
- ? Help
- AC Auto Contour Level
- AG Set Auto Contour Gain
- AL Add Overlay Layer
- AO Active Overlay
- AY Move System Alias
- BB Backward
- CC Center To Peak
- CF Contour Factor
- CL Compose Layers
- CO Contour Options
- CP Contour Params
- CT Contour Threshold
- CW Adjust Intensity
- DL Delete Spin Links
- DP Delete Peaks
- DS Delete Spins
- EH Extend Horizontally
- EV Extend Vertically
- GC Sync To Global Cursor
- GP Goto Peak
- GR Goto Residue
- GS Goto Spins
- GT Goto
- GY Goto Spins
- HR Hold Reference
- LF Label Format
- LH Label Horizontal Spin
- LK Link Systems
- LL Label Format
- LP Label Peak
- LR Low Resolution
- LS Label Spins
- LUA Lua
- LV Label Vertical Spin
- MA Move Peak Alias
- MP Move Peak
- MS Move Spins
- NC Set Negative Color
- NS Next Spectrum
- OC Overlay Count
- PA Set Link Params
- PC Set Positive Color
- PH Propose Horizontally
- PP Pick Peak
- PR Propose Spins
- PS Prev. Spectrum
- PV Propose Vertically
- PY Pick System
- RA Remove All Rulers
- RH Add Horizontal Ruler
- RS Remove Selected Rulers
- RV Add Vertical Ruler
- SC Show Contour
- SF Show Folded
- SH Sync. Hori. Spin
- SI Show Intensity
- SL Show List
- ST Set Tolerance
- SV Sync. Verti. Spin
- SY Set System Type
- UA Un-Alias Spins
- WW Fit To Window
- WX Fit X To Window
- WY Fit Y To Window
- YS Overlay Spectrum
- YY Redo
- ZZ Undo